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School Committee Building Subcommittee Meeting 1 April 2024, 5:00 PM

Click Here for the Agenda

Click Here for the Video


– Mr. Duva and Mr. Mollis discussed timeline(s) to ensure School Bond(s) inclusion on the November 2024 ballot. Time line items included: Architect quotes for Wickford and Davisville Schools, Building Subcommittee/School Committee/Town Council meeting dates and votes to obtain State Legislature approval. (Video Mark 1:00)
– Mr. Mollis and Ms. Page spoke to the inundation of construction contracts resulting in high construction bid costs. (Video Mark 9:18)
– Mr. Waterman and Mr. White spoke to the digging of 3 test pits at the Wickford Middle School field. #1 Pit yielded water, # 2 Pit yielded ledge, #3 Pit was soil. Fill was observed throughout. Test pit soil sample results are due in 2 weeks. Additionally, as previously indicated by the paid expert, Mr. White restated that landfill materials and soil contamination may exist in area’s outside of the 3 test pits. (Video Mark 12:37)
– Mr. Waterman reviewed the Elementary and High School $96M CIP requirements. Mr. Mollis suggested that opposed to a single CIP bond, CIP requirements be reduced 50% and submitted as 3 smaller bonds over 3 years leading to disagreement on how to proceed. (Video Mark 16:30)